
System Requirements

Hardware Configuration

This outlines the necessary hardware specifications for establishing an Airsettle node





CPU (amd64/x86 architecture)

2 core

4 core

Storage (SSD)

50-100 GB

200-300 GB

Prerequisites & Installation

Node setup manuals are crafted specifically for Linux distributions with apt compatibility, such as Debian. Moreover, deploying nodes on cloud servers has become a standard approach in the industry.

Running a Full Node

. Download the junctiond binary

Use the wget command to download the junctiond executable from the Airchains Network GitHub release page.


wget https://github.com/airchains-network/junction/releases/download/v0.1.0/junctiond

2. Make the binary executable

Apply the chmod +x command to add executable permissions to the junctiond file, allowing it to be run as a program.


chmod +x junctiond

3. Move the binary to a system-wide directory

Employ the sudo mv command to transfer the junctiond binary to /usr/local/bin, enabling it to be accessed and executed from any location on the system.


sudo mv junctiond /usr/local/bin

4. Initialize the Node with the Moniker


junctiond init <moniker>

5. Update Genesis Configuration

To ensure your node is configured correctly for the testnet, follow these steps to update the genesis configuration

Download the Testnet Genesis File

Begin by downloading the latest genesis file from the GitHub repository.


wget https://github.com/airchains-network/junction/releases/download/v0.1.0/genesis.json

Replace the Existing Genesis File

After downloading the new genesis file, you need to replace the existing file in your Junction node configuration directory. This step ensures your node starts with the correct testnet settings.


cp genesis.json ~/.junction/config/genesis.json

6. Update Configuration

Edit ~/.junction/config/config.toml to set persistent_peers:


persistent_peers = "de2e7251667dee5de5eed98e54a58749fadd23d8@"

7. Start the Node


junctiond start

8. Wait For the Node the to Sync

Run the Command to check the status of the Node.


junctiond status

Should the 'catching_up' field return 'true', it's important to wait until the Node completes its synchronization. Do not proceed with further steps until this process is finished.

9. Creating New Account for the Validator


junctiond keys add wallet

10. Fund you Account

You need to ensure that your validator account holds a minimum of 58 tokens. If your account doesn't have enough tokens, you can acquire testnet tokens from our discord faucet channel. The faucet is accessible at Airchains Faucet.

11. Stake Token to become a Validator

Before executing the command junctiond tx staking create-validator path/to/validator.json --from keyname, you need to create a validator.json file with the following details. Below is an example:

To obtain the pubkey, you can use the command:


junctiond comet show-validator

The output will be something like this:



You'll need to paste the pubkey value into the pubkey section of the JSON file.

	"pubkey": <validator-pub-key>,
	"amount": "1000000amf",
	"moniker": "<validator-name>",
	"identity": "optional identity signature (ex. UPort or Keybase)",
	"website": "validator's (optional) website",
	"security": "validator's (optional) security contact email",
	"details": "validator's (optional) details",
	"commission-rate": "0.1",
	"commission-max-rate": "0.2",
	"commission-max-change-rate": "0.01",
	"min-self-delegation": "1"


junctiond tx staking create-validator path/to/validator.json --from wallet --chain-id junction --fees 500amf


junctiond q bank balances $(junctiond keys show wallet -a)

Deletgate to Validator

junctiond tx staking delegate $(junctiond keys show wallet --bech val -a)  2000000amf \
    --from=wallet \
    --chain-id=junction \

Last updated